Development of platforms for IoT

Real-time communication, Internet of Things, digitalization – buzz words that are occupying the industry. Also Sontheim – in cooperation with a large OEM supplier from the automotive industry – has developed solutions for this. Two of these developments are the IoT Device Manager and the Iot Analytics Manager.

They enable management, analysis and visualization of live data from the field. Extensive evaluations and continuous monitoring can increase yields, lower costs and reduce errors. Such platform-based applications have potential for differentiation in the industrial and off-highway sectors.

After the implementation of the products, our customer had the possibility to carry out updates over-the-air and to guarantee live monitoring of the applications. The Iot Device Manager is used to collect live status and transaction data from the field, such as travel distances or consumption data for fertilization or also downtimes and production figures. In the next step, the generated data can be visualized and evaluated via the IoT Analytics Manager for process optimization. We supplied both the digital infrastructure and the hardware for this. The digital infrastructure includes the connection to a cloud, which is provided by Sontheim Industrie Elektronik GmbH out-of-the-box and without further programming. The branding was adjusted to the brand identity of the customer.



Continuous live data monitoring for visualization and evaluation, as well as efficient process optimization and error reduction, as deviations are detected early.

The cloud connection enables continuous data exchange and retrieval as well as easy management of the system devices.

Implemented and related products

MDT 2.0 - Modular Authoring System based on standards

MDT® 2.0

Modular authoring sys­tem for the cre­a­tion of complex dia­gnos­tic app­li­ca­tions in the auto­motive sector. Based on ODX and OTX stan­dard and an MCD-3D server.

  • ODX support according to ISO 22901-1
  • OTX support according to ISO 13209
  • MCD-3D Server
  • Platform independent
High-performance Vehicle Communication Interfaces


High-performance Ve­hi­cle Com­mu­ni­ca­tion In­ter­faces for de­vel­op­ment, pro­duc­tion and ser­vice app­li­ca­tions in the auto­mo­tive sector.

  • Up to 6× CAN interface
  • WLAN, LAN, Bluetooth, USB, ...
  • LIN, RS232, RS485, ...
  • With logging function
ISOfox - Smart CAN-to-Bluetooth with ISOBUS interface


Smart CAN-to-Bluetooth Gate­way with ISOBUS in­terface.

  • 1× CAN interface acc. to ISO 11898
  • 1× ISOBUS interface acc. to ISO 11783
  • 1× Bluetooth 4.1
  • 12 V or 24 V compatible